1. 大學入學考試中心寄發指定科目考試成績單,網站上也公布「指考各科五標」及「各科成績人數百分比累計表」,除了國文、歷史外,各科底標、均標都比去年提高。今年指考共有7萬5000多人報名,分發名額5萬8000多人,比去年減少7000多人,預估錄取率88%,創6年來新低紀錄,大考分發結果將在8月6號放榜。

The score report for 2012 college entrance examination has sent out. And the official website also shows the five standards of each subject and the percentage accumulation table of examinees in each subject. Except Chinese and History, the lowest and average standards are raised in all subjects. This year over seventy-five thousand students are enrolled with over fifty-eight thousand vacancies. The number is less seven thousand than it was last year. CEEC predicts, the enrollment rate is eighty-eight percent, the lowest record of the past six years. The result of the entrance examination will be revealed on August 6th.

2. 大學指定科目考試寄發成績單。臺北市建國中學一類組和三類組的榜首仍舊以台大為第一志願,教務主任分析,雖然清大和交大積極到學校替學生上課或是指導實驗,展現招攬人才的決心,但是台大的學術地位和名聲,還是學生心目中的第一選擇。

The score report for 2012 college entrance examination was sent out yesterday. The top students in first and third academic groups of Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School decide to choose National Taiwan University as their first choice. The director of academic affairs of Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School expresses his opinion that although the professors of National Tsing Hua University and National Chiao Tung University helped teach the high school students in class or make experiments in lab to recruit talented students. But the academic reputation of NTU is second to none among these students.

3. 「2012大學校院博覽會」將在本週六、日(21、22)兩天,分別在臺灣大學綜合體育館及高雄新光三越左營館10樓同步登場,今年共有50多所海內外大學校院參展,現場除了有電腦輔助落點預測分析外,還有老師輔導選填志願的免費講座,詳情可以利用活動網站查詢。

2012 College Exposition will take place in Taipei and Kaohsiung City on this Saturday and Sunday. More than fifty schools home and abroad will join the exposition. Moreover, the placement analysis service and speeches designed to help the test takers to fill out the ideal schools in the preference card in the exposition is free. For more detail, please make use of the website of the exposition.

4. 雲嘉南最大就業博覽會7月22號將在嘉義市港坪運動公園登場,這次就業博覽會貼心設計「就業快餐車」,率先嘗試將6,500個職缺納入求職套餐中,求職現場將由專人引導求職者,主動提供求職民眾依照喜好點選配套職缺,徵才廠商多達80家,將近6,500個職缺數,其中,又以製造業和服務業所提供的職缺為大宗。

The biggest job expo in southern Taiwan will kick off on July 22nd at 港坪 Athletic Park. The expo designs “the job buffet car” with more than six thousand five hundred vacancies. The organizers are willing to help the job-hunters find the vacancies by preference. More than eighty companies provide six thousand five hundred job vacancies, mostly in manufacturing and service industry.

5. 艷陽高照,氣溫屢創新高,親水公園、游泳池及海邊是民眾最愛的戲水好去處,但民眾在豔陽下活動,雖然記得要做好皮膚防曬,卻常忽略眼睛也要防曬,嘉義大林慈濟醫院眼科醫師林意純建議民眾戶外戲水時,一定要戴太陽眼鏡防曬,以免眼睛受到紫外線傷害,太陽眼鏡鏡片顏色也以深灰色或咖啡色比較好,能有效阻擋紫外線對眼睛的傷害。

The temperature keeps breaking the record high these days. So people love to go to river parks, swimming pools and the beaches. The oculist in Chia-Yi 大林慈濟Hospital, 林意純 reminds the public of putting on sun-block on the skin and wearing sunglasses to avoid getting hurt from the burning sun and the ultraviolet rays. The dark gray or brown sunglasses are a better choice.

6. 德國報業近年來紙版報紙普遍銷路走下坡,報社積極發展電子報,希望靠網路業務彌補。德國聯邦報紙出版商協會指出,必須建立有效付費機制,才能確保商業收益。電子報已經成為數位時代媒體文化的重點,但是,由於建立電子報付費機制並不容易,多半的內容仍然是免費。建立有效的付費機制是當下報社最重要的課題和挑戰。

The newspaper business is decreasing in Germany. The publishers have developed the online newspaper, hoping to compensate the loss. The German Federal Newspaper Publishers Association indicates that in order to ensure the profit, the online newspaper needs to be charged. The online newspaper has become the mainstream in digital era, but the charging system is hard to be established leading most of the contents are free of charge. That’s why building up the efficient charging system is the greatest challenge for the publishers.

7. 根據國家統計局公布的最新資料,2011年義大利有810萬的貧窮人口,占總人口的13.6%。義大利貧窮人口的分布呈現明顯的南北差異。68.6%的貧窮人口生活在南義,每4戶人家,就有1戶生活在貧窮線之下。相對的,有2成的貧窮人口生活在人口密集的北義,貧窮家庭的比率只占4.9%。

According to the National Bureau of Statistics in Italy, there are eight million and one hundred thousand people in poverty. That’s thirteen point six percent of the population in total. The distribution of the poverty shows the difference between northern and southern Italy. Sixty eight point six percent of poor residents live in the south with every one of four families lives below the poverty line. Meanwhile, only twenty percent of poor residents live in northern Italy, where the rate of family in poverty is four point nine percent.

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